You laid the foundation to your cash-money course! You do know you will be making money while you eat, sleep and play in no time, right?!.
Well now it’s time for the next step! That next step is Map Your Content: From Confusion to Clarity. So now that you’ve identified your G.I.F.T. with the 5-day mini course and created a solid foundation for your course, the next step is to identify and map your classroom’s content.
In this classroom creation bundle, you start to gathering your thoughts and laying out the content you plan to teach in your classroom which you can complete in a little as 20 minutes a day.
This classroom, Map Your Content: From Confusion to Clarity, includes five (5) videos with easy to implement, interactive worksheets that capture your classroom and gets you closer to getting your course into your customers’ hand.
How does this bundle help me, you ask?
This bundle is broken down with quick and easy action steps.
The Map Your Content: From Confusion to Clarity classroom bundle will help you…
Identify the tasks you need to include in your lesson(s)
Create a group of like tasks forming your modules
Organize the modules into a flow that provides the best learning experience for your learners and start to see your dream class come true
Create objectives to boost your biz and make more bank
Create a course map that’s based on the solid foundation you already and starts making your vision a reality
Let’s keep it going and continue building you course today. You are one click away from your dream being your real and banking more bucks while you eat, sleep and play. Click here to get your personal copy of my Map Your Content: From Confusion to Clarity classroom bundle.
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