Course Creation Made Easy
Map Your Money-Making Course
1 on 1 Consulting Services

Map Your Course Idea Workbook

Map Your Money-Making Course Private Consultation

Discover Your B.I.G. Course workbook is the first step in creating a course that collects coins link a bubble gum machine in front of Toys R Us.

Are you ready to jump-start your course creation process?

Say good-bye to analysis paralysis, this workbook fast-tracks your course creation journey so you can start collecting those coins while you eat, sleep and play.

Discover Your B.I.G. Course workbook is a one-of-a-kind course capture tool that walks you step-by-step through laying the foundation of your course.  This workbook is procrastinating-proof!  No more second-guessing yourself or pondering the process.  All you have to do is fill-in-the-blanks and your course path will be paved.

Now let’s get started so you can get your product into the hands of your customers so you can start boosting your bank account.

Discover Your B.I.G. Course workbook, takes you from being confused to crystal clear with simple questions that draw your expertise out of your head and into a structured course.  

In this workbook you will discover:

  • – What you need to teach
  • – Who will be sitting in your seats

I’ve included two bonus items to make sure your are on the right track.

Who’s excited for you?  This girl!

Grab your copy below!


1 on 1 Consulting Services
Price: $197
Schedule your appointment immediately after payment