Choose Your Teaching Topic
Course Creation Made Easy

How to Choose Your
Coin-Collecting Course Topic
Let’s talk about creating your first course right quick. Choosing a topic that will tease and tantalize the minds of people world-wide. If you don’t have an information product as apart of your business portfolio or household, you are missing out on some serious 24/7 coins classmate! Whether online, offline, speaking engagements or workshops an exchange of your information is valuable and what’s “in”. People are paying a pretty penny to know what you know! It’s the information age baby!
I’ve been creating courses for 20 years now and I’ve been in this online business world for almost 5 years and I’ve seen courses come, go, conquer, flop and fold, what to know the main reasons why???? Well they miss the mark in content, not organized or just straight up does not delivering the goods. Now, since this is my thing, I know exactly how to correct this problem and I’m going to share it with you, but first some facts about courses.
FACT # 1: Courses have a completion rate of 3-5%, the reason… people are throwing information in a package with no rhyme or reason or responsibility for the transfer of knowledge and people loose interested or think there must be a better product out there. Maybe there is a better product, like your course of course, because I will not let you step foot in front of your class lacking class. But let’s be real, people are putting together crappy courses because they don’t care and don’t know what the heck they are doing!
FACT # 2 Courses are a $107 Billion business. That’s right, you heard me correctly, yes B, billion dollar business that is doubling every year because, as I stated earlier, this is the information age and people have got to have it! Creating courses has changed my life, not only do I get to collect coins 24/7, I help people change their lives, expand their business, increase their reach and enhance their lifestyle! This enhanced lifestyle includes mine! I’m straight living the “Casual Life” #PieceofMind #NoPriceTagWorries #RetirementReady.
Just the other day a person asked me how to select the topic to teach?
I also get:
– What software do I use to create my courses?
– How do I record my courses?
– What software do I use?
– How much information is too much information?
– How do I break down the content so my course won’t be to big?
I can go on and on until the break of dawn with the questions that hit my DM. Previously I mentioned that I have the answer to this reason for the epic failure of sooooo many courses and it’s because they don’t choose THE topic to teach. They teach what they want verses what they need to teach and seriously miss their market. So I have the solution so you won’t end up on the whack class list (and believe me it exist!). It’s a short virtual class that guides you in the process of selecting THE topic you must teach! You can go through the exact process I take my Fortune 500 clients and small business owner through to teach topics that bring in the bucks.
Jump-start your course creation process in this short and easy to implement virtual class. This class includes a short 40 minute video with an activity sheet that helps you identify what you need to teach. No more second-guessing your ideas or getting caught in the “content confusion” trap. In this class is hands-on and guides you with dropping your knowledge out your head and into course that brings in the coins while you eat, sleep and play. So check this out, in this class you get:
> Guided steps to help you pick the right topic for the right audience
> Tools to help you decide what type of course works for your lifestyle
> Tips on tools to use
> A 6 page activity workbook that helps you pull it all together
For the price of $27.00 you get the video, activity workbook and support.
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